Brother Fu took out his Skynet account (2)

[ Momo Chenguang ]: " after that, you didn't come online. After red wine came to our family, sun kicked you out because our family was full.

When mo Chenguang reached this point, he couldn't help but sigh. Back then, countless people had argued with aunt God and sun's couple, but who knew that aunt God had a middle-aged uncle behind her?

Meng Fu really didn't understand. That female reporter even knew her game account's password and went to meet someone?

As she thought about it, her fingers quickly typed out two lines of code and effortlessly found the post that mo Chenguang was talking about-

"Shocking! "The number one female puppet master God in DL is actually a perverted uncle!"

Meng Fu frowned as he scrolled down and found a picture of a sleazy uncle.

There were still countless replies. Some people couldn't believe it was true, while others said it in a logical manner.