She didn't care if it was a hundred million or not

Yi Tong didn't have much interaction with other people in the industry, and she didn't belong to any company.

Variety shows were about zero.

That was why when " haunted house " invited Yi Tong last time, the netizens 'reaction was particularly big. This created an illusion in the entertainment industry at that time that Yi Tong could shoot variety shows.

Many companies and variety shows had even contacted Yi Tong, wanting him to stay at MC for an appearance fee that was sky-high.

However, he was rejected by Yi Tong and his team.

haunted house " was Lizi station's show. That episode where Meng Fu and Yi Tong, the two top actors, had worked together to push the entire show to its peak. After that, Lizi station's people had also tried to contact Yi Tong to make a show.

Lizi station was quite popular in the entertainment industry, and Meng Fu was also from Lizi station. He found out that Yi Tong was able to film " haunted house " because of Meng Fu's invitation.