Breaking news on the internet! Grandpa Jiang protects

The comments below were full of rhythm-

[ f * ck, a secret of the rich?! ]

[ after all this, she's actually a fake heiress. ]

[ some people are so troublesome. What does other people's private affairs have to do with you? ]

[ the last time I watched her show, Meng Fu even wanted to show off his relationship with his family. His family doted on her a lot. Now that the results are out, I wonder if Meng Fu and her team will be embarrassed? ]

[ she still has the nerve to set up the image of a rich woman for herself. In the entire " emergency room, " I think only Jiang Yiran is a rich lady. ]


This Weibo post had only been posted for a few minutes and there were already tens of thousands of comments.

"What DNA?" Zhao fan looked at these Weibo posts and frowned. brother Fu is not the daughter of the Jiang family? How is this possible?"

She clicked on the photo of the DNA and saw the statement that he was not her biological son.