Yang Hua's profession, solved, plagiarized!(3 in 1) _4

However, yang Lai remained indifferent.

It was only when he saw Meng Fu and yang zhaolin enter that yang Lai's expression improved. ah Fu, why are you here? "

"My cousin is looking for me." Yang Zhaolin did not look at father PEI and greeted yang Lai before bringing Meng Fu upstairs. dad, I'll be borrowing your study room with cousin.

The two of them went upstairs.

Only then did yang Lai look at father PEI. With his hands on the wheelchair, his eyes were dark."It's useless for you to look for me. You can go."

He closed his eyes slightly.

Father PEI looked at yang Lai and was certain that he was really going to show no mercy. He staggered and walked out the door.

After he left, the phone in yang Lai's pocket rang.

Yang Lai lowered his head and saw that it was old lady Duan. The old lady's voice was still stern, ""I can't control you anymore."

Yang Lai didn't speak.