Black nameplate, why do you want to touch my daughter?

After finding out the truth, Ren Jun stood up and said indifferently, " go and find Lou Hongjing.

Ren weizhong threw the two people behind the car and drove to Lou hongjing's Hospital.

Ren Jun already knew the ward number, so he went directly to Lou Hongjing.

Lou hongjing's ward.

Lou Kai wasn't there. Only Madam Ji and Lou Hongyan were taking care of Lou Hongjing. There were two bodyguards at the door.

The bodyguard raised his hand to stop Ren Jun and Ren Weizhong when he saw them coming over.

Ren weizhong immediately took out a sign. The two bodyguards were both hired by the Lou family through the Ren family, so they naturally recognized the sign. Their expressions changed, and just as they were about to speak, Ren weizhong raised his hand to shut him up.

The door was half-open, and she could hear the voices inside.