Route _1

Everyone in the office stood up in excitement.

Jing an's confidants also came out.

which way is it? " Jing an walked towards the door.

Hans handed the computer to miss sang. She took it and turned it on. She pressed a few buttons and a simulator appeared. Miss sang showed Jing an the simulation. it's this mechanism. The simulated data password is 6cockpit.

As he spoke, a complicated four-dimensional model appeared on the computer page.

The people around him were all staring at the models.

Jing an's confidant nodded and tutted. this underground secret room is too complicated. If it weren't for miss sang, we really wouldn't know what to do. We should be the first ones to calculate the exact route, right? " This route is very precious."

"Yes." Jing an nodded. He looked at her from top to bottom and was about to pass her laptop to su Cheng.

As they were talking, Meng Fu, su Huang, and the other two arrived.

Meng Fu was holding su Cheng's notebook.