

A pity I came all the way here to have fun with my friends but all I could think about was a guy who packed his things and left. I hoped at his happiest moments he could only think about me but that was just me maybe he had better things to think about than me...


The month went by quickly . I later learned out that Enzo went to Chicago. To do what I don't know and I'd like for it to remain like that. My life has been pretty simple. I've been meeting up with my mum alot. She recently took me to one of her wine testing expeditions she had been invited to . I was her plus one. I have spending alot of my time with Soffie and the boys and I think we've become more alot like family. We're going for camping and am so excited because I never went to camping before. Disadvantages of being a privileged child. By privileged I mean raised by two parents,lived in a glass house with a whole future planned for me.