

What an ass,who does he think he is?? Telling me what to do huuuffff the nerve . I look around and find a sleeping Soffie on my couch. The house is clean thanks God and there is the smell of food. God bless this human,i decide against waking her up I go to my room and bring a blanket and cover her. I myself need sleep because I didn't get enough last night. I go to my room get under the covers and am asleep in no time.

People hate Mondays and I don't know why . I think they are just normal days or they hate the fact of getting back to there normal routine .

It's on a Monday as you can guess I've already taken a shower am just trying to look at what am going to where. I choose some skinny jeans , white croptop and my biege uggs as I tie my hair in a messy bun. My routine is same for all the days go to school and then work that's it. I wear a flannel carry my bag check my phone and earphones as I make my way out of my apartment. It takes me half an hour to get to school am surprised to find Soffie already there.

"How come you're early,what did you do to Soffie cause this ain't her?? " Let's go dummy I bought you breakfast I know you haven't had it yet",she says handing the packed food. "This is so thoughtful of you so what's up we didn't get to talk the last time you were at my place I woke up and you were nowhere to be seen",I tell her as we walk down the hallway .

"It's nothing much I'll tell you later "she says . I definitely know that something is wrong this is not like her but I don't push her ,she can take all the time she needs. I don't have the same lectures as her today so we go our separate ways. I enter the lecture room and find a seat . I have like thirty minutes till the lecture starts so I fish out my breakfast as I enjoy the sandwich .

Fifty minutes later the Iecture arrives."I didn't know you were in my literature class",says a familiar voice. I look beside me and there is a grinning Enzo.

"Me too Enzo me too ",I tell him as I fight holding a laugh.

I have never seen him here it's either he has never attended any lectures or I just have never noticed him . "I wouldn't be missing any from now on since you're here with me",he tells me . If it were any normal girl they would probably be blushing and there cheeks hurting but then it's me sweetie that's against the rules.

He pretends to be focusing but I can feel his eyes on me.Creep.. The rest of the day goes on smoothly and surprisingly enough Enzo is almost all my lectures.

The day ends and am so grateful but then it's just starting. I have work to do so I need to rush home. I never understood the reason as to why I always felt dizzy after school or it was just the fact that I always set it in my mind it to be my rest time.

7 reaches faster than I thought and I am already at the dinnery. The dinnery is full and it's taking orders from table to table with no time to catch your breath.

"Hey those guys at the table at the back want you to serve them",says one of the waiters. I glance at the table and realize it's Jade and his friends . I walk over to them and say my memorised greetings. "No need for the formalities Hazel",says Harry. They all give me there orders which consists of mashed potatoes with beef stew,pasta , lasagna ,smoked fish . I bring them there orders as I go back to work .

My shift was almost over in like thirty minutes and I was so glad.

I walk over to the table where Jade and his friends are to collect the bill and I see Jade following me closely behind . What does he want now??" Can we talk Ella",he says . Done with the pet names now huuhhh and it better remain that way." As you can see am not done with work", I tell him as I busy myself with nothing actually. "Please I won't take most of your time"he says wowwww who new the mighty Parker can say please. "Okay five minutes",I tell him as I face him."Okay I know I overstepped my bounds by telling you not to hangout with Enzo ,I was just trying to protect you you don't know him at all. I just don't want anything bad happening to you. Well uuummm...

.. am sorry for the rude outburst ",he says he really looks remorseful." Okay Parker but I don't remember you being my guardian who is supposed to be telling which company to avoid , the last time I checked Enzo is your friend", I say . "I am telling you this because he is my friend I know him well enough to say he is bad news you can't be entangled in his life . His past mistakes will drag you into his mess",he says. He is really getting to my nerves and I am about to loose it. " You amaze me Parker what do you take me for a saint and Enzo is friends with me if I didn't know better I'd say you're scoring points here on your favor as the good guy but guess what you're interested in the wrong game",I tell him. I can see he is getting frustrated " well people have secrets let's see if you'll still be around him after you truly know him",he says smirking. Son of a b***h " I think you're the one who'll be scared once you know me ,stop underestimating me ,mine might be a shade darker than all of you and your friends hidden secrets", I tell him as I leave him standing there dumbfounded yah digg..


Hey guys here is another update I hope you like it

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