
Greatest Sin

The cold breeze hit my skin and it felt do good. The silence was so deafening. I hugged by body tighter and stared into the horizon getting lost in it. My mind was clear and for once I was not thinking of anything. Normal my mind would be jammed with a thousand thoughts like a jungle.


As I say in that cafe all I could think about was one thing. He had been distant lately and I did not know what to think of it. I could not stop myself from thinking . What if he did not like me anymore. The thought itself brought tears to my eyes and I pushed the thought away to stop myself from having a breakdown in the middle of a cafe.

"Are you okay ,you look like something is a miss?"asks Camilla.

"Yeah am fine",I say as I force myself to smile.

"Ella I know you,I know you don't trust me but you can talk to me about anything you know that right?"she asks.

"Yeah ",I say as I take a deep breath.