I Don’t Need the Prince! 07

Jane slowly stirred awake from her small nap. The warm breeze had lulled her to sleep before she had known it. As she drowsily blinked her eyes, she witnessed a faint figure with her golden hair blowing in the breeze. The more her vision cleared the more she realized the gentle warmth the figure brought.

The girl had a light blue dress adorned with nothing too frivolous. Her eyes flashed blue as she smiled at her. The first person to break the silence was the lady in blue.

"Hello, my name is Ariel. I didn't mean to startle you awake." Ariel faintly laughed as the winds picked up. Her dress danced in waves as her hair flew along with it.

Jane blushed noticing how she stared intently at Ariel before. 'I should have been the one to greet her first,' was what she had thought.

'You see 5025, if you wake someone with a smile, they won't become grumpy,' Avina was telling 5025 to take notes from the great master, herself! She didn't know if data needed to sleep or wake up, but it never hurts to know.

5025 silently pulled up its notepad writing down her words. It knew a few systems who were grumpy. Maybe if it flashed a couple of smiling codes it'll make it seem more likable.

Jane stood up quickly to greet Ariel. It wasn't too pleasant to greet another lady sitting down, "Hello, Lady Ariel. My name is Jane. May I ask if you need help going back to the main residence?"

Jane fiddled loosely with her dress. Compared to her, Ariel was the real definition of a lady; unlike her who was just an imitation.

"No, I'm just admiring the roses. They are beautiful," Ariel noticed Jane's nervousness and smiled kindly in response, "Although I think Lady Jane is even more stunning."

Jane's faint blush that had slowly disappeared intensified from Ariel's one compliment. A real blue-blooded lady had complimented her! Her!! The lowly country bumpkin who had just entered high society!

It may have been simple flattery, but Jane couldn't help but blush. Lady Ariel was just too perfect from her looks to her manners. While she had common looks and lacking manners, she still praised her.

Ariel noticed the book laying on the ground behind her, "The Princess and the Knight." It was a popular novel growing traction in the common people's lives. It had everything a commoner would dare dream of - wealth, love, and a happy ending.

Ariel pointed to the book finding a common topic to break the ice between them, "I, too, like the book."

Jane looked at where Ariel was pointing to realizing that she had pointed to her book. Her adoptive father disapproved of her hobby of reading these childish novels. But no matter how she tried her best to give it up and live to his expectations, she always yearned for the stories hidden behind those covers.

It had everything she had ever dreamed of as a child. Someone who she loved and loved her back and an ending where they are happy and wealthy with a family. And to discover that someone else loved the same novel as she did, she was more than just ecstatic.

"You love it too! What part do you like best? I liked the part where the knight visited the princess and declared his love for her! It was so dreamy!" Her excitement had gotten the best of her and she exploded with enthusiasm listing out all the plots of the novel that she loved most. The boat ride, the carriage scene, the bandit rescue, the wedding - everything!

When Jane had calmed down, Ariel had already sat down next to her patiently listening to her every word. She blushed for the third time realizing how embarrassing this truly was. 'Why can't you contain yourself a little better,' Jane scolded herself.

Avina had found the access point. From then on, Avina and 5025 found every single hobby they could find of Jane and started the mission "Befriend the Heroine."

After a while, the maid who had sent Ariel to the garden had come back to look for her. She had spent too much time talking to Jane that she had forgotten the time. As she stood up to brush the dirt off her dress, she turned to Jane ready to plan another meeting between the two of them.

"I enjoyed talking to you, Jane. I think we share a lot more common interests and hobbies than we first thought we did. If it doesn't bother you too much, can we be friends?" Ariel had lifted her hands for a handshake and a faint blush rose on her face, "I don't have a lot of friends who are like me." Her final sentence was just a whisper, but Jane heard it.

Ever since she had come to the estate, she had always been lonely. It would take more than just a couple of days for Jane to get used to the noble lifestyle. No other noble liked being associated with a commoner, and she found all the other nobles to be a bit too pretentious and arrogant, even her Father.

They were all human beings striving to live another day; why do they have to be rude?

Now, there was finally someone willing to be her friend. And she was so beautiful and polite. She felt like she was dirt sullying fine silk, but she couldn't help but yearn for a company other than her books.

"If you don't mind being friends with someone like me," Jane reached out her hands and the two shook hands.

This was the start of a friendship meant to last.

Ariel, although she had a little confidence Jane would accept, was joyful Jane accepted her friendship handshake. Her smile widens, and she went for a hug.

"I'm so happy! I'll send you a letter so we can meet again soon! I heard that Town Square had a lot of delicious food and stands," Ariel extended the second meeting they would have, and how could Jane refuse. This was the first friend she made here!

"Then I will be waiting for your letter," before Jane and Ariel could talk more about their outing, the shouts of the maid grew louder. Jane had wanted to send Ariel off personally, but how could Avina let her.

This was a secret operation after all!

Avina gave Jane one last squeeze before walking back into the hedges of roses. She made her way towards the maid, and she was escorted out.

Jane gazed as her first friend left, and the rush of euphoria came back a second time. She squealed revealing her happiness of meeting a friend. And they were to meet again very soon too! She would have to ask the butler if there were any letters sent to her every day! 'I can't wait!'

'That's how you get it done, 5025.' Avina felt proud. She still had her charms alright. Jane reminded her of Bea somewhat. Maybe that was why it wasn't so hard to become her friend.

'Wow, Host! You're simply awesome!' 5025, once more, cheered for its Host! So far, the entire mission was going smoothly. It's already awesome that its Host was so nice towards it, but she can also get her missions done! Best Host Ever!

It always heard stories from other systems of its Hosts being too mean or too filled with desires. But its Host was not like that at all!

She gave him lessons and they worked so well together. 5025 felt even prouder of its host. She's my host after all. 0^0