Talented Me! 07

Avina luckily went through the whole day with no hassle. No one bothered her nor called her out, pretty good. As the last round of bells sounded, Avian finally placed her books down and stretched. It's been a while since she studied this much.

Avina packed her bags preparing to leave the school and head to the cafe. Then, something fell from inside her desk. It flew down like a feather onto the ground, and Avina reached down to pick it up. It was a photo with two girls in it: Adi and Wilona.

The corners of the photo were wrinkled from excessive grasping, but it was very well preserved. The photo appeared to be at most a decade old with it being yellowed and teary. Avina wanted to throw away the photo, but considering Wilona's past affections, she didn't. Instead, she neatly placed it in Wilona's purse.

Avina walked out into the busy street looking left and right for the cafe. Her phone in her pocket started to vibrate, and she pulled it out answering the call. At the same time, she dodged the pedestrians while maintaining her sight on the various stores to the side. Various colors entered her sight, and it felt as if she returned home.

"Hey, Wilona! Where are you?" Daisy's voice came out from the speaker. Static enveloped her voice a little making it hard to decipher her words. "Did you find the cafe yet? It's called Rose Cat Cafe."

Avina tried her best to listen closely to Daisy's words, but it came out muffled.

"Ron Cafe? Ron Cak Cafe?" Avina struggled to decipher. "Repeat that Daisy. I can't hear."

Unfortunately, Daisy couldn't hear Avina either. Instead, she said she would send a text. At the moment she said that the connection broke, and Avina didn't hear her. So she stood against the current of people staring in confusion at her phone. Sadly, Wilona's phone did not have a text function so Daisy's text was not received.

Avina thought it was hopeless until her little transmigrator brain clicked. She quickly stuffed her phone into her pockets and pushed through the crowd again.

'Turn on a tracker for Daisy,' Avina told 5025. Not a moment later, two dots appeared in front of her. To her dismay, her dot was walking in the opposite direction.

She flipped her entire body around and ran. Her dot chased after the other dot pushing through the crowd. Dodging left and right, she finally reached the cafe. Rose. It was Rose Cat Cafe. What Ron!? What Cak!?

Sweat dripping into her vision, she weakly pushed open the cafe doors. Scanning the customers dining with cakes in front of them, she spotted the group at the corner.

Everyone had a drink in front of them chatting together with smiles on their face. When Daisy noticed Wilona finally arrived, she scooted over allowing Wilona to sit down.

At the sight of a seat in front of her, Avina collapsed. She slung her bag at her feet and allowed her head to rest on the table. A tired sigh seeped from her lips.

Daisy lifted her hand summoning the waiter over before pushing the menu towards Wilona.

"Here! Choose a drink. I like the mango tea, but the rose iced latte is pretty good too," Daisy pointed at the different drinks and desserts introducing them one by one.

Avina looked at the assortment in front of her and thought of her wallet. She had a few spare dollars from this morning, but she wanted to save some to buy a new outfit for the show. Realizing water was free, she asked for a glass of water instead.

Daisy peered over at the menu looking to where the water was. Once she realized it was a free beverage, she stopped the waiter.

"Just choose whichever one you want!" Daisy shoved the menu at Wilona again and smiled. "My treat."

Wilona awkwardly looked at the menu, and choose the cheapest one.

"Then how about butterfly tea?" She nervously looked at Daisy's expression, but Daisy only smiled.

"Butterfly tea it is!" Daisy returned the menu to the waiter before turning back to Wilona. She gave her a small hug, and said, "It's really beautiful when it changes color."

While waiting for Wilona to receive her drink, Daisy chattered about her extensive knowledge of the butterfly tea from its origin to its color-changing ability. To ask from where Daisy knew this, Daisy would unexpectedly not have an answer.

Daisy glanced at her phone and realized how much time had passed. She looked around, but Wilona's drink had yet to arrive. She was about to suggest having them pet the cats, but the waiter arrived.

In his arms was a tray with a teacup set completed with a small stem of lavender and a wedge of lemon. The teapot was crystal clear made of glass revealing the blue tea inside. The waiter tipped the teapot a foot above the cup and a blue iridescent stream poured down. He picked up the lemon wedge and bent down handing Wilona the lemon wedge.

Wilona looked at the wedge puzzled, turning her eyes to Daisy. Daisy looked on with expected eyes until she noticed Wilson's staring. Quickly she signed with her hands to squeeze the lemon. Wilona curiously squeezed out a drop of lemon and it fell into the tea. Slowly, from the drop, the blue sky changed into dusk.

Wisps of purple flowed from the middle dancing whilst changing colors. From a dark blue into a violet, the sea turned into the stars. It was magical, and all from a single drop of lemon. More drops of lemon disrupted the sky turning into shimmering stardust.

Avina lifted the cup carefully bringing it close to her lips. An earthy but fresh taste spread inside her mouth before a tart lemon flavor tickled her taste buds. The warmth of the tea soothed her body, and she relaxed taking in the whiffs of the aroma.

The waiter made sure Wilona was satisfied with her drink before bowing down and leaving. Daisy and the rest continued to look at the peaceful Wilona while taking sips of their drinks. The lively atmosphere from earlier mellowed down into a state of drift. It was as if the waves calmed down lazily coming in and out of the shore.

Mindless chatter filled the cafe and it was soon evening. The sun had begun to set showing off its colorful warm gradient. The cafe which used to be filled to the brim, only had a few customers chatting or playing with the cats.

Daisy, who noticed how late it had gotten, decided it was time to play with a few cats before going home. Pulling everyone into the cat pen, she introduced the cats to them. Sitting down, she waited until the nearest cat came close before stroking it and cooing its name.

The rest of them followed Daisy's example and sat down. The surrounding cats peered at the new strangers and began circling them. A few of the cats were brave and rubbed their hands.

Eli was the first one to be greeted by an American shorthair cat. Its small body lined with stripes of grey and black walked up to Eli. Curiously staring in his eyes, the cat's face appeared even rounder. It then stepped closer before rubbing its small head onto Eli's hands. Eli watched the cat before stiffly lifting his hands and robotically petting its head gently.

An Ocicat with grey fur spotted in black also walked closely. It stared intently at each of their faces before stepping towards Gina. Compared to all the cute cats around them, the Ocicat was best called elegant. Each of its steps was right after the other and its tail swayed behind it. The cat's eyes were a golden sheen filled with the wisdom of feline life. Instead of rubbing Gina's hands, it walked past her letting its tail tickle her forearm.

Gina giggled at the funny sensation before reaching behind and gently petting the cat's head. The cat stopped in its tracks before lifting its head and rubbing against Gina's hands.

Ben watched as his friends slowly get greeted by a cat and looked anxiously at the remaining cats. His hands twitched in desperation but he silenced it. Ben's brow furrowed and his eyes pleaded at every cat that came close. Unfortunately, the cats only spared a glance before walking away. Ben looked sadly at the cats that walked away, but he wasn't allowed to pick up any unwilling cat.

Avina, too, had no visiting cats. Each cat only came close before leaving. Nearby cats only looked on curiously with their round eyes but did not come close.

Avina wasn't as desperate as Ben, but she did want to pet a cute cat. The longer she waited, the more desperate she soon became. Her eyes started to scan every nearby cat, but not one of them came close.

Inside her mind, 5025 was watching all the cute cats. The moment it felt Avina's fluctuating emotions and her desperate eyes, a small part of its system data broke.

5025 was also a cute cat! Just a few hours ago, Avina was petting it! And now look! She forgot all about it!! Meanie Host!!