After playing with the cats and chatting with her friends, they were finally ready to head to the park and sing. Of course, because it was getting late, Gina only wanted to hear what Wilona sounded like. She could teach another day when they had more time.
"I'll warn you, I'm not a good singer," Avina turned towards the group and said. Humbleness wasn't really a fitting word for her, but she did know when she was bad at something. No no, not just bad, absolutely catastrophically destructive.
"That's what every good singer says!" Ben yelled a meter away. He held a drink in his hand and continued sipping. Everyone pushed themselves onto a concrete ledge looking at Wilona for her to sing. Avina could only sigh and hope they didn't regret this.
The next few moments can not merely be described in words. But visually, this is what happened. Everyone grimaced at the first note but held on strong. Well, only for 5 seconds. Afterward, everyone stretched out their hands covering their ears, and winced. Even a soft echo of her voice wiggling through their hands made them frown.
Finishing her last note, Avina let out a sigh. She knew that this would happen; don't say she didn't warn them. From a young age, ever since her first kindergarten recital, her parents and teachers discouraged her from singing. Of course, she paid no heed and continued her merry way. Until she heard her own singing in a video, and then she abruptly stopped. She had no talent! It was the truth and only the truth!
"Well- uh, that was unexpected," Gina struggled to find the correct words to say. Compliments weren't deserving nor did she have the heart to say it was absolutely wretched.
"Yes, it was," Eli also struggled to comment. Looking at Wilona's eyes of defeat, he couldn't bear to say anything mean. "Good, it was good."
Daisy stood there pursing her lips and avoided the eyes of Wilona. She was bad at lying and there was no way she could tell a believable one. Might as well keep her mouth shut.
Ben let out an awkward laugh and scratched his head. He didn't expect Wilona to prove his words wrong and so soon as well. He, too, decided to keep his mouth shut for once.
"You guys don't have to lie. I know better than anyone how bad it is," Avina said in defeat. "Do you think I can get better before the show?"
Gina pursed her lips in contemplation and her brows puckered slightly. Unconsciously, her hands went to her mouth, and she started to nibble her nails. IT was not until Ben jabbed her at the side did she stop.
"It may be tricky, but we can try!" Gina firmly said. Results start with effort, and they had to try!
Avina's face loosened, and her anxiety disappeared. She smiled and thanked Gina again. Gina laughed it off and gave a pat on her shoulders. It was nothing much and wasn't this what friends were for?
Avina and the rest took the remaining time of the evening to explore the nearby park. From swings to slides, they played like children. Gina and Ben decided to play a mini-game of extreme tag, parkouring above and below the playground. Sounds of pure joy erupted in the small park bringing vibrant smiles to everyone's face.
Avina and Eli stayed at the sidelines perfectly content with watching the show in front of them. Avina spotted a small patch of dandelions at the side and began making a floral wreath.
Twisting the stem under and over and in, a chain of yellow was created. Soft petals flowed between her fingers brushing against them. Lovely and delicate, she placed the finished wreath on her head. The soft scent of early spring filled her heart, and once again, it was peaceful.
"Do you like flowers?" Eli asked as he scooted closer. In his hand was a dandelion and he handed it to her. Unlike the ones on her head, it was a small ball of puff. Avina took it and blew making the fluffy seeds journey the breeze into the sunset.
"I do," Avina softly said. Ever since then, she had loved flowers.
"Have you considered joining the gardening club?" Eli continued. He kicked the rocks at his feet and made them skip across the gravel.
Avina stood up and locked her fingers and stretched up. The feeling of her rigid muscles loosening relaxed her.
"Mr. Greene asked if I wanted to join, and I did. So yep, I'm in it!" Avina turned around and smiled.
Her head lined with a lovely golden wreath hovered on her head. Her hair bordered down her figure stroked the breeze slightly. The sun behind her cast a vague orange glow accentuating all the glorious feelings of day.
Eli stared dazed at the girl in front of him. Lovely - the only suitable word.
"Gardening? You guys thinking of joining the gardening club?" Daisy, who ran over, asked. In her hands was a water bottle that she continuously chugged. Her hurried pants accompanied her lively figure and sweat rained from her forehead. Using her sleeves, she wiped off her mouth before her forehead.
"I'm in it right now. Haven't done any activities yet," Avina said walking towards Daisy. Lifting the crown off her head, she placed it on Daisy's. Daisy touched the crown on her head before smiling.
"Awesome! Both the crown and club. I'll join tomorrow! Mom's been asking me to plant some cucumbers for her," Daisy said. Her fingers carefully caressed the soft flowers lining her head. She thanked Wilona content with playing with the small flowers hovering in front of her eyes.
"Hey guys! Want to join the gardening club with us?" Daisy turned around and yelled towards the other two. At her shout, Gina and Ben looked over and ran over.
"Gardening? Sounds fun!" Ben shouted while running over. Gina, who was a step behind, also yelled out in agreement.
"Then, it's a plan!" Daisy said and looked at her phone. The sun had already started to set signalling the end of their playing. When she realized how late it actually was, she knew it was time to go home.
"It's getting late. We'll discuss this tomorrow!" Daisy looked towards her friends and said.
Everyone called their ride and went off. Before leaving, they shared one big group hug and congratulated Wilona again for her show.
"Do you need a ride, Wilona?" Daisy asked. Her taxi had just arrived, but Wilona hadn't made any calls. The cold breeze was setting in, and it was perfect conditions for a cold.
"I'll just walk home. You go ahead," Avina said. She stuffed her hands in her pocket seeking the remnants of warmth. Daisy lived in the opposite direction, and Avina couldn't bother her.
Daisy gave one last hug before going inside and leaving. Avina stared as the final exhaust disappeared in the air. The lights lining the road of the park flickered before completely shining a bright path. Avina strolled casually in the twisty distance and went home.
"I'm home!" Avina habitually said. The few days in the world made her immune to the silence in the house every night. However, tonight, there was an extra light in the home.
"Welcome home," a voice responded in the kitchen. Slowly, the figure of Derrick was revealed. His soft smile, full of affection, gazed warmly at Wilona.
Avina replied back with a soft smile of her own. Walking further inside, she realized there were 2 extra people at the dining table. Their attention, that used to be directed at the newspaper, turned towards her. Equally warm and loving eyes stared into hers.
"Welcome home, sweetie," in sync, their voices greeted her. Soft smiles directed their way at their only daughter and sister.
"Mom, dad," Wilona mumbled under her breath. A flush of tears watered her eyes and she rushed forward. They both stood up and Wilona attached herself onto them holding them tightly.
She couldn't remember exactly when she last saw them. The pictures on the cabinet next to the door reminded her of their love each morning. Memories of their time together nearly blurred away, but love made them resurface. At the sight of her parents, Wilona couldn't describe her words.
It may not have been a long time, but to her, it was always. Tears streamed down her face and broken sobs escaped her mouth. Her fingers clasped the warmth in her hands, and she held on tightly.
Mom and Dad patted her back softly whispering words of love and care. Tenderly, they both calmed Wilona. After a while, their efforts bore fruit as only soft sniffles were heard.
"I miss you too," Mom said. She held Wilona's face in her palms and nuzzled their noses together. Wilona smiled remembering their special "I love you" - a nose nuzzle.
"Now let's eat dinner," Dad said, patting Wilona's back. "Can't have you going hungry."
Wilona laughed before letting out a soft sound of agreement. The small family sat down at the table holding hands and then blessing the meal together. The hot steam rising from their food warmed their soul as they stared at the family back together again.
Soft clinks of bowls and food being passed from one to another resounded in the otherwise quiet dining room. The family had a habit of remaining silent for their meals, but words were not needed to communicate. Each food taken and placed into another's bowl was enough to express everything.
Once Wilona placed down her bowl, she noticed everyone was looking at her. They had all finished before her, and were patiently waiting for her.
Avina stared at their otherwise worried eyes and knew immediately what the next questions were. Walking home, she had already planned her answer. Whether or not it was good, she did not know, but it was an answer.
"Wilona," Mom paused. "How are you?"
Avina paused. She had thought they would directly ask, but they didn't.
"I'm fine, Mom," Avina replied.
"Wilona," Dad said. "I know it's tough to directly say these things, but I don't want you to hide them either."
Dad reached out and held her hands giving them a good squeeze. His eyes stared deeply into hers ready to be there for his daughter. No matter what happens, she was his daughter, and he will protect her.
"Nothing much happened," Avina said. "Promise."
"But something did happen!" Derrick said loudly. Compared to his parents, Derrick openly expressed his concern. His voice was shrouded in worry with not an ounce of calm. Eyebrows furrowed and anxious eyes met hers.
"Who did it, Wilona? Tell us. Please," Derrick lowered his voice, his tone practically begging.
"What about Adi? Did she help you?"