But I hate blood! 04

Should Avina be graphic and explain all that is happening on the monitor? Avina has chosen no. But what she can say is that the two of them could not peel their eyes away both from shock and horror.

Richard, whom she had thought to just be another defiant teen with a lot of arrogance in his blood, was just pure psychotic! Blood, there was blood everywhere. Screams, there were screams everywhere. If there was no fear, then she would never believe it.

'Can we bail and not go for the mission target?' Avina asked. 'I don't want to get friendly with him.'

5025 opened its mouth and then closed it. It repeated it several times unsure of what to say. It also agreed, but as the book says, encourage your hosts to do their best. 'Maybe he's nice to his friends. You can be his first friend.'

'Maybe he doesn't have any friends because he's a psycho!' Avina harshly whispered in retort. She adamantly refused to get close to him! He was pure danger!