It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 11

Did befriending someone come easy? No. There was a process of becoming friends with someone. It starts with a little interest, then some talking, and before you know it, you're meeting up every weekend talking about how life is unfair and that boys were weird.

Avina did what all people who wanted to make friends did - bug them and rub off whatever goodwill as possible.  It was what she did to Bea and if it worked once, it could work again! So everywhere Finevis was spotted, the shadow of Ethera could be seen following her.

Sometimes she would be carrying a flower in her hands, other times a treat. If Finevis rejected it - which she did - Ethera would pull out something else from her pocket. If that didn't please Finevis - which it did not - Ethera would move on doing something else.