It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 13

"Left side! Watch your flank!!" Chris yelled out.

His gaze focused on the opponent in front of him. The demon loomed above him with its buffed black body. Red eyes stared into his own, making him shiver. He clenched his sword feeling the hilt of it in his grasp.

Lifting his sword, he swung down at the demon's weak spot. Unfortunately, his metal sword could not penetrate this demon's body. He silently cursed under his breath, quickly retreating from its attack.

"Our attacks aren't harming it!!" a soldier cried out. He lifted his sword to fend off another attack but was scooched a few feet back.

Avina was part of the second group. It was composed of weaker individuals who had yet to properly perform in a battle before. Like her, Finevis was also in the group along with her fellow Light Fairies. They were secretly dubbed the "Support Group".