It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 17

It was like being hit with a rock. It was like being drowned in the ocean. It was like- Avina's eyes blinked as her vision returned to her. A dull pain penetrated her head as she tried to clear up the fuzzy fog in her mind. The sensation of sickness rose up within her forcing her to sit up and swallow down the nausea.

She didn't know what to feel. She didn't know that this would happen. That this did happen. There was so much to think about but she didn't know where to start.

Her head swayed as her eyes traveled to the chair. Steadily, her vision followed the curves until it reached the gem. Black and dark, staring at her like a grand void, ready to capture her every being.

A hand gradually moved towards the gem and turned it clockwise. With a pop, the gem fell out of its designated hole into their hand. Still unable to properly process things, Avina followed that pair of hands all the way to their face.