It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 23

The man was in front of her like last time. He still held only an amused smile on his face while staring at her like she was an interesting specimen.

"How will you kill me?" he asked. 

"I can't," Avina mildly admitted. There was no use in telling such a lie. She was going to seal him, not kill him.

The Demon King sighed at the expected answer. He knew it better than anyone else, but somewhere, somehow, he wished there was a method.

"But I can seal you," Avina told him.

He looked up with curiosity and surprise in his eyes. Never did he expect to hear this method again, but here it was in front of him. The question was if she could do it?

"And you're-"

Knowing what he wanted to say, Avina confirmed it, "Correct."

Confidence reigned supreme on her face. She could do it. She could seal him away and make sure he never escapes.

"But you'll die," he said as if he wanted to make sure she knew the risks.