He’s Not Worthy Of Me! 02

As all good hosts do, they come up with a plan. Avina knew a few goals that she wanted to accomplish. One, was to obviously become a benefactor like her task. Two, was to help Li Jing get her revenge.

By definition, a benefactor was someone who helped people out. The easiest way to do so was to donate to charity and the likes. But the question was how did the system calculate whether or not she had done enough benefactory work before completing the task?

'This is a special task,' 5025 answered. 'It requires a minimum amount of people to help. See, here, it tells you the number.'

Avina turned her gaze to the number 5025 was pointing out. Her expression flipped countlessly before turning dark. This number… How could she say it? It was plain atrocious!

'1 million!? How long would that take me!' Avina cried out.

'You have to also make sure the other person you are helping thinks of you as a benefactor as well,' 5025 added.