Ghost? I'm A Spirit!! 03

Avina peeked over from a corner. Ghosts lined up at the gate toting along with an identity card. Their gazes straight forward to their destination unaware of a spirit ready to hitch a ride.

'Which one has a loose thread?' Avina asked 5025. She scanned all the ghosts and spirits but the only thing loose was their limbs. She was determined to follow in the steps of her predecessor.

'If she had the transportation skill,' Avina softly muttered in her mind. Still, what was done was done. Now, all she had to admire was the clothing hanging on these people.

5025 flew over to their sides and acted as a personal scout. Scanning their clothing, it could only shake its head sadly. Unexpectedly, a loose thread was hard to find.

'Does it have to be a thread? Can't you hang onto a corner of their clothing?' 5025 questioned. Isn't it the same thing as long as they get to the human world?