Ghost? I'm A Spirit!! 06

Luciv stared at her with furrowed brows before sighing in defeat.

"Fine," he admitted. "I'll watch over you two."

"Thank you, Luciv."

Avina raised a victory flag in her mind. Even the male lead couldn't ignore love! Now, she had 2 helpers to finish her task.

Luciv looked at Avina for a moment before sighing and rubbing his head. It appeared the thought of having to watch over a spirit and a weak human was too much of a headache.

He snapped his finger and said, "Tetra, come here."

Out of nowhere, a ghost appeared. Or perhaps not a ghost. He was dressed in black, classic of how a ninja appeared in her mind. His eyes shined bright red but with complete loyalty and devotion to Luciv.

"Yes, Ghost King?"

"Fetch me those spirit chains," Luciv commanded. At the mention of the chains, a faint surprise flashed Tetra's face. But nevertheless, he didn't question his choices and promptly disappeared.