Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? 09

Coldness seeped into Avina's core. She could only feel the biting frost nibbling away at her thoughts, leaving her barren. Her words emptied into the space around her and she could no longer tell whether she was dead or alive. This absence of everything left her in confusion and the cold didn't help.

Drowning, escaping, tripping, and falling - a repeated cycle of uselessness and futility. When the dark crept in and she was afraid, the one thing she could think of was to scream. But where does a soundless voice echo to in the dark but to herself?

The continued nightmare and abrasion of emotions left her numb. When she finally accepted she couldn't escape, she sat down and allowed the cold to embrace her. Oddly enough, in this space, the cold was the only warmth.