Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? 11

Bet a million bucks Avina's face was 'confusion' in human form. Her brows frowned and she tried hard to digest his words, but she couldn't. She just didn't understand what he meant. He didn't trust her, but he didn't dislike her either? What was that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean?" Unable to find the answer herself, she decided to outrightly ask him. It'll save her brain cells for one.

"Just as I said," Phil answered. He shrugged his shoulders and let his body fall into the recliner. "I don't hate you, but I don't fully trust your intentions."

"What other intentions do I have?" Avina asked. Who did he think she had bad intentions towards? Him or…

He looked meaningfully at her. His lips lifted into a smirk and he said, "You know that answer yourself."