Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? 26

So there we had it, the reason for Lily's hatred. It was something so simple and unconventional that Avina couldn't help but frown.

To make it worse, Aster didn't understand social cues and continued to talk. The more he talked, the more Avina feared hitting him. In order to stop herself before it was too late, she decided one of them had to leave.

"Oh, look at the time," Avina said. She pretended to look at her imaginary watch and act shocked. "I have to go."

Like the wind, a very angry one, she exited the room at great speed, leaving only her dust trail. Aster just sat there with his eyes wide and confused. He looked puzzled but didn't continue to dwell on his thoughts for long, proceeding to eat the pastry plates clean.

5025 chased after Avina, leaping every step. Compared to its short legs, its Host didn't have trouble speed walking down the halls, leaving it a mile away.