Princess vs. Zombies 09

They decided to travel together, that was all it was. There was no interaction except for the few times when they decided the destination or when the next stop would be. The glorious comradery and partnership Avina envisioned was nothing but a piped dream.

Avina chewed on a candy bar as her eyes naturally fell onto the group beside them. A small fire sat in the center with everyone circling around it. When one person spoke, the entire group laughed. And when none spoke, peaceful smiles illuminated their faces.

This scene, amidst this global pandemic, was unusual and strange, if nothing a rare occurrence. Where betrayal seemed like the natural second choice and cruelty a third, smiles ranked the lowest.

Avina's eyes slipped towards Ruby. Sitting beside the fire, it seemed her tresses of scarlet velvet blended with the fire, melding into a piece of burning amber. Her eyes held a tint of red against the contrasting green, and a simple smile brought pure beauty.