Yes, I Am Spoiled. So What? Side Story - Yeni

The morning had barely made a peep in the town. Dew accumulating on the sharp edges of the grass rolled into beads that glistened in the light. A handful of birds chirped away in the branches and the bushes, singing the lullabies of the morning.

However, different from how the morning started in nature, the morning within the mansion was completely different. Sounds of footsteps pounding on the floorboards, shouts of commands, and clothes ruffling - a ruckus invited itself inside.

"Phil, where are the kids!" a shout came from inside the kitchen, a little anxious at the ticking time.

Yeni tugged at her dress and patted the wrinkles out of the fabric, finding it to be more useless than helpful. Her eyes lifted and collided with the clock hanging on the wall; the minute hand moving a millimeter. Eyes widened, Yeni began to quicken her pats and ran towards the front door, looking for a pair of shoes.

"Phil, we're going to be late-"