Princess vs. Zombies 11

Now, Joseph may have been saved by the nick of his neck and survived, but we can't say the same for everyone else. All across the battlefield, various friends and foes fell down like dominoes. 

There were but two fates for those who returned with a bite mark. One, they would attempt to end their own lives. Some would be successful while others would try to stop them, inwardly praying there would be a chance for them to make it past the storm.

Avina was fighting in the outward battle, fending against each snarling predator trying to nab a feel of her skin or blood or whatever they wanted; sure didn't feel like they wanted her brain. Honestly, at some point, she felt quite germaphobic. After all, being in such a close range to whatever was oozing out of their mouths and the holes littering their bodies infested with maggots didn't provide a pleasant experience.

'To your left, left!' Ming shouted.