Princess vs. Zombies 36

The first task of duty was to find their way out of the ruined city. Avina's group was located within the outer circumference of the city. In the best-case scenario, the group wasn't that far off and they would reach before nightfall. But there was also the chance they would have to camp out before making their way over in the morning. But first of all, they had to find out where the group actually was, and to do so, Vanity had to kill her signal blocking for a moment.

"Can you stop your signal blocking for a moment?" Avina asked. She whipped out a dead phone and waved it around. At least she had to pretend there was something she had to use the signals on. "I gotta find out where my group is."

Vanty had no problems with that. However, it was clear Jasper hid his little spy cameras all over the city. To reduce the chances of them being caught while they were walking around, she suggested, "Let's go somewhere quiet first. I don't want Jasper to find us."