Princess vs. Zombies 50

Regardless of whether Jasper had a few fools in his team, everything went swell. Jasper may have occupied a small city, but it was a small city that focused heavily on medical pursuits. Before the apocalypse, it was crowned the Medical City. Just, literally, Medical City.

It may not be as advanced as Vanty's secret operation base was, but it fulfilled her requirements. They gathered the machinery necessary for her to research and soon, there was a lab ready to find the cure.

Avina, of course, played a hand in this as well. She already was the embodiment of the vaccine, curing people left and right, even if they were already a zombie. Vanty took some of her DNA, and Avina found out that she could make her healing abilities condense into a liquid. With both artifacts, Vanty was well on her way to grand discovery. Of course, it was a secret between the two that Vanty was the one who brought the terror on humanity.