Princess vs. Zombies 52 [EXTRA]

After Levia was pulled away and the verbal peace treaty was signed, Avina returned to the encampment. The wreckage of the battle wasn't small. It was the same as two nuclear-filled countries comparing who had the most explosive nuclear bombs. Both sides suffer damage, and some, unhealable.

Avina's eyes wandered around the deeper she walked. Her eyes would glide across one wounded body before arriving at the next; each with injuries worse than the last. Often, she couldn't distinguish whether someone was dead or alive if not for the soft lifting of their chest.

'It's worse than I thought,' Avina whispered. She knew there would be injuries in this fight; there couldn't not be. But never did she imagine the type of devastation in front of her.

Rows upon rows of people lined next to her. It spanned meters into the distance, the end unseeable. Each person sustained heavy damage of varying abilities. Some had it worse while others were hanging by a simple breath.