Please Don't Fall In Love 09

"What do I need to do to change your mind?" Avina asked.

She had to admit, she was feeling desperate. Vatoly was not budging for anything. Avina was prepared to beg for his approval, a chance at least. But her pride wouldn't let her, and it wasn't like Vatoly would give her a chance if she were to beg in the first place.

Vatoly looked at his nails, pretending to not pay attention to her. Hearing her question, his ears perked up and a small grin spread across his face. "Are you willing to do anything?"

Avina paused. Her mind spun around the question, digesting, and then frowned. It seemed this was what he wanted all along. But could she afford to give it to him?

"What do you want me to do?" Avina was desperate. But not totally desperate. 

"I'm not asking for much," Vatoly said. His eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint and he couldn't contain the smile hanging on his lips. "I just want you to run a few errands."