It was a simple question, so simple that people couldn't help but be suspicious.
Lither (the supporter) eyed Avina up and down. Seeing those blue eyes twinkle with innocence, she placed down her guard. It wasn't a question that awoke suspicions as much as it did curiosity. Either way, Lither still answered.
"Charlise," Lither answered with no hesitation. Thinking about what she was going to say, she couldn't help but be fueled with excitement.
"She's so smart and diligent. There's nothing that she can't do and she's done so much for the group. Every meeting, she's there and on time and she takes responsibility to make sure that everyone is fulfilling their duty."
Lither didn't notice the glint in Avina's eyes. She continued praising Charlise to the heavens. "She's smart and beautiful. She's the perfect package. There's nothing she can't do!"