Please Don’t Fall In Love 49

Rayon hadn't expected her to ask this. He blanked out but asked, "Did you think it was a date?"

He clenched his hands and felt it twitch. Something was bubbling in his heart and he didn't know whether to identify it was joy or surprise. Rayon looked at her, scanning her face, wishing to see that she felt the same way.

"It wasn't?" Avina asked back. She raised an eyebrow. They both knew what today was. With the way he reacted when he asked her, it couldn't have been anything less than a date.

"I thought you didn't think it was a date," he tripped on his words. He lowered his head and continued, "You haven't been close to me for a while."

His words were barely audible to Avina. It took her a minute to realize what he was saying. So, this young man, who had originally planned this to be a two-person date, singlehandedly decided she wasn't into him and decided to make it a group thing?