Can I Not Be Beheaded? Please? 01

It may be an exaggeration to say but a C to Avina was the same thing as an F. It was horrible to think of. Failure was such a lonely thing, but receiving it was simply disastrous.

Avina felt her world was collapsing before her very eyes. In truth, it was sort of like that. The fantasy world that Melis lived in was melting away in front of her. One second she was in a world with magic, the next second, she was in a plain white space.

Avina looked at her score again. She couldn't believe her eyes. In front of her was a letter grade that didn't start with an A. It wasn't even a B; it was a full-fledged C. There was so much to cry about that Avina couldn't even shed a single tear.

Instead, she took her frustrations out on the only thing that was around her.

"5025!" Avina snatched the blob next to her and shoved it close to the mission statement. She glared at 5025 and asked, "What's the meaning of this?"