Praise the Baby Princess! 04

The mansion was huge and paired with Avina's toddler legs, it appeared even bigger. It was a struggle to walk from one side of the hallways to the other end. Imagine walking that length times 2 because the library was in a completely separate building.

'What is this place?' Avina grumbled while she wiped away her sweat. 'A mini city?'

She had walked past a kitchen that was the size of a restaurant, a greenhouse the size of a field, and then a garden that might've been land for another house. Avina didn't even want to imagine what the library looked like.

Avina looked in front of her. She couldn't stop her mouth from gaping wide open. The library was indeed the library!

If she had anything to compare it to, it would be an actual library. She owned a library of her own, but it was only a small collection of her favorite books. This, the one in front of her, might as well replace an actual library.