Praise the Baby Princess! 31

Avina blanked out. Her hand was still on the door handle, and she was frozen in the doorway.

Danny's breath heated the skin on her nape, softly warming her skin. A throaty chuckle vibrated through his throat and into her ears.

Much more than that, she didn't even need to look to know that his gaze was scorching hot with passion and darkly dyed with love.

"How's your morning?" Danny asked as he stood tall again. He acted as if he hadn't said the most cheesy line ever nor caused her to lose half her lifespan in mere seconds.

"Just fine," Avina answered mechanically. She gripped the door handle tighter, wishing she could just shut the door in his face.

"I wanted to know if you'd like to eat lunch together," Danny continued. He leaned on the doorway, completely blocking Avina's chance to close the door.

Despite leaning over, he was still taller than Avina and easily towered over her. Danny had to lower his head to stare into Avina's eyes.