Praise the Baby Princess! 35

"D*mn," Avina cursed. She leaned against the wall and covered her face. "I shouldn't have done that."

The image of him running away and his tears replayed in her mind.

Her heart dropped when he snatched his hand back, but now it had sunken so far that even the T*tanic might as well still be floating.

"I was a little too rushed, wasn't I?" Avian whispered to herself. It was a rhetorical question.

Unfortunately, 5025 didn't understand that. 'Maybe a little.'

Avina groaned. 'What should I do? How do I fix this?'

Even 5025 had trouble answering that one.

Avina closed her eyes and sighed. 'I guess we'll just see tomorrow then.'

Maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe a little distance would allow him to cool off, and then they'll be good as new.

The next morning, Avina would think otherwise.

'Yeah,' Avina muttered as she hopped into the car with the family chauffeur, 'This is a little too much distance.'