Meeting Again

After Park Hayoon left the house that day, Kim Hyejin bawled her eyes out. She kept crying and saying that she wanted her mother.

This was a huge shock for the little girl because she has always been expecting that her mother would always be with her.

But little did she know that her destiny would change...

Park Ji Hu did everything she could to stop her from crying, but it was abortive.

Even the cold-hearted Park Ha Jun came out to console his granddaughter, but it looked like nothing could stop her from crying, so they all left her to cry her heart out.

They felt disheartened watching her, but there was nothing they could do. So when Kim Hyejin cried herself to sleep, they sighed in relief.

But even after she woke up from sleep, she continued crying and asking for her mother. And this continued for more than a week.

And during this period, she didn't go to school and she didn't go for her Figure skating practice.