
Kim Hyejin went back to school and then she continued with her training. 

As promised, Park Hayoon would try to visit her every week. Sometimes, she would come alone, and at times, she would come with Wang Ju Won, and they always bore gifts.

While training, it looked like Kim Hyejin had lost motivation, because she was no longer who she used to be, something changed in her. She was not vibrant.

Sometimes her thoughts get her carried away, and she would end up falling and leaving bruises on her skin.

A month later, her mother's visit started to become unstable. Sometimes, she wouldn't visit for two weeks, but she would answer her call.

Park Hayoon would always reply with, "Jenny, Mama is busy right now, I will call you back later."

Kim Hyejin would be down for a while but she would cheer up, banking on her mother's words.