Figure Skating and Kim Hyejin's Idol

Kim Hyejin phoned Sister Yong later.

"Don't worry about me, I'm safe. And don't bother trying to find me, because I'm better off without you whole lot." Those were her exact words to her.

Sister Yong never even got to say a word because Kim Hyejin never allowed her to.

After speaking with her, Sister Yong phoned Park Hayoon to inform her about the call from her daughter.

"Find her. And when you do, don't take any actions, just wait for my lead." Park Hayoon instructed. 

"Brother, Ye Jun, I don't have anything to wear." Kim Hyejin came complaining to Ahn Ye Jun.

"Come with me." Ahn Ye Jun said as he led her to his bedroom.

He took her inside his walk-in closet. He took out one of his shirts and passed it to her.

"Manage this for the night, I will get you new clothes tomorrow morning".

Kim Hyejin took the shirt from him and left after muttering a word of thanks.