Feel Like Pissing Somebody Off

After her excitement died down, she phoned Min with a smile on her face...

"Min, we are going to pay a visit to this address on Wednesday evening. Find out who owns this address, and get Yong to pack Jenny's things and to get her passport ready. She will be going for a long trip this time around." Park Hayoon instructed.

Unknown to Kim Hyejin and Ahn Ye Jun, their location has been tracked down. As usual, Kim Hyejin went for her morning run, and when she returned, she had fruit salads and relaxed to watch the Tv which was unlike her.

"You are not going to the rink today?." Ahn Ye Jun asked.

"No, I want to rest." Kim Hyejin replied with her eyes glued on the Tv.

"You are having the best time of your life, and I can see that." Ahn Ye Jun said with a satisfied look on his face as he came to sit beside her on the couch.

"Mmmm. But too bad it won't last forever."