Taken Away

When Kim Hyejin saw their actions, that she couldn't overpower them, and that nobody will come to help her, she gave up. Something that was never in her dictionary.

"Fine!!! I will walk on my own!." She said with her bloodshot gaze.

If looks could kill, she would have killed everybody on sight.

Sister Min gave the bodyguards a sign, and they let go of her.

Kim Hyejin was so angry that she could smash somebody's head with her palms. Her chest was heaving up and down because of how angry she was.

As she walked towards one of the cars, she saw Sister Yong was closer, so she took a little detour towards her.

And when she got to her side, she suddenly slapped her hard on her face.

Her actions were fast and precise and at the same time, took them unawares.

Sister Yong held her face in pain. Sister Min and the others looked shocked as well, as none of them expected Kim Hyejin to act that way.