Spend a little on my family

"But you didn't sweat much." He said.

"Yeah, I know, but I don't look fresh anymore." Kim Hyejin complained.

"That's not a problem, you will always look good." Park Ji Hu complimented her with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle." Kim Hyejin said with a smile.

After eating, Park Ji Hu sent them back to the apartment.

Park Mun Hee and Park Ha Jun looked so happy to see their grandsons. Looking at their bright faces, they knew they had a good time on the rink with their cousin.

Park Mun Hee asked the boys if they had fun on the rink, and they went on and on to tell how amazing Kim Hyejin was on the rink.

Park Ji Hu smiled and joined in the discussion, he also took out his phone and played the videos he recorded on the rink.

Park Ha Jun came to watch the video. The old couple had smiles on their faces as they watched their granddaughter teach their grandsons with patience.