When did you have a daughter?

Sister Min ushered Kim Dong Hyun into Park Hayoon's office, and the latter went straight to sit before Park Hayoon.

"Min, you can leave us." Park Hayoon said, and Sister Min left her office.

"What did you come to see me for?." Park Hayoon asked with her gaze on him.

Kim Dong Hyun fixed his gaze on her and went straight to the point to ask, "I only went want you to confirm the truth I have found. Is Kim Hyejin my daughter?."

Park Hayoon was surprised that he didn't even ask if Kim Hyejin was her doctor and directly asked if she was his.

That means he already knew that Kim Hyejin was her daughter.

Park Hayoon smiled and asked, "Is that what you came to see me for?."

"Yea, it is as simple as that." Kim Dong Hyung replied as he waved the document at her. His tone sounded serious.

"She is your daughter." Park Hayoon revealed as she moved her gaze away from him.