Annoyed at being ignored

Because Beom-Seok drove in Ahn Ye Jun's car, his sister had to drive their mother and grandmother back home with his car.

It wasn't too late, so it was okay for Areum to drive.

The old lady kept lamenting till Areum dropped her off in the Old Mansion.

Areum felt so annoyed because of her, that she didn't know how to shut her up.

"Areum, what kind of man are you getting married to? He doesn't even love you, have you thought about your future? Have you forgotten how your mother's relationship with your father turned out?" 

The Old Lady cried out.

"Mother! do you really need to involve me in this matter? How many times will you keel bringing up my past?." Kim Ara asked in an annoyed tone.

She hated every time the old lady brought up her past. She had an ugly experience, and it hurt to keep hearing her say it all over again without getting tired.