Park Ji Hu's advise

Today, Park Hayoon was preparing to go to her office when she got a call from her brother, Park Ji-Hu.

They talked about business before Park Hayoon asked to meet with him. As Ji Hu was in the city, he could easily meet with her, so he agreed.

Getting to their meeting point, Park Hayoon saw her brother sitting at a table in the private restaurant she booked for their meeting. She took off her sunshades and walked towards him.

"Your look is off, are you not having a good time?." Park Ji Hu asked as he drew out a seat for her. He only sat down after her.

"Even you can tell that my look is off. These days, I've not been having a good time." Park Hayoon said as she put her bag on the table.

"What's wrong? Business or family?." Park Ji Hu asked.

"Let's talk over a drink." Park Hayoon said as she called for a waiter. She ordered a cup of hot black coffee, and Park Ji-Hu did the same.