Kim Hyejin gets her hands on Areum's black material

Ahn Yejun dropped Kim Hyejin off in front of the Kim house as per her instruction, before driving away.

Kim Hyejin has just walked into the house when she saw Areum snapping angrily at a servant that mistakenly spilled some water from the glass on her.

As Kim Hyejin trotted over in her heels, Areum turned to glance over, and when she saw who it was, she sneered and glanced back at the servant to continue scolding her.

"Are you blind? Can't you see where you were going?!" Areum scolded the servant who apologized to her in a scared tone.

Kim Hyejin finally stopped beside Areum and said with a smile, "Why are you all hyper this late in the evening, who offended you?"

Areum turned to face her and said in an angry tone, "Are you blind, can't you see who offended me? And can you please mind your business."

"I think you are the one that is blind, because you both are blocking my path to the stairs." Kim Hyejin said with a smile.