

I guess you could say the next couple of weeks went by pretty fast. The steamy encounter you had with Atsumu went completely unnoticed by the rest of the team; luckily... You were also glad that there wasn't any unnecessary tension between you and the blonde.

You could only imagine what face Kita would make if he ascertained the situation―not a good one at that. Although, Atsumu would regularly hit you up many times throughout those weeks just to fuck.

To be honest, you didn't mind it. Accepting his proposal actually did a lot more good than bad for you, but you still wanted to experience what the rest of his teammates had to offer.

And currently, you were fixed on making that your set goal.

"Y/N?" You quickly tuned back to the present, turning your attention towards the person who had called out your name.

As a matter of fact, it was Kita. He was gesturing you over, probably needing your assistance in regards to some equipment. You groaned quietly, pulling yourself up into a healthier posture to stand.

You strolled over, glancing around the gymnasium to see that majority of the boys had already left. The only people that were here right now were you, Kita and Suna. A small sigh of relief escaped your mouth; you certainly did not want to sit through any more of that tonight.

"Be useful and help Suna pack away the rest of the equipment, would you?" Kita stated plainly, pulling the same maroon jacket he always had over his broad shoulders. You raised an eyebrow but ultimately dismissed his low toned attitude considering he treated you like that majority of the time.

The feeling of his apathetic tone still drove you like crazy, though. Just a month ago now had Kita made that specific threat towards you. Upon attending some of their bulk training sessions, it was clear as a bell that he was more of a father figure to them.

One they looked up to gravely, which you couldn't quite wrap your head around.

If anyone else judged this situation, they'd definitely find it cute that someone actually took the time and had the heart to nurture a group of vexatious boys... However, being a manager for a month; showing him an extensive length of kindness that no one else got to experience, didn't get you on his good side at all.

You didn't know what could at this point―he was like a programmed robot just to piss you off... And was it working? Yup. Yes, It was.

It was eating away at you that he kept rejecting your charms... Maybe you weren't his type? No, no, no... That couldn't be it. Perhaps he has a girlfriend? Maybe he's gay?

You didn't know, but you were at full-tilt because of it. Some part of you felt like you were legitimately wasting your time on this whole game plan just for Akari. You wanted to conquer their conventions anyway―how they did things. You tried to understand why they were so feared.

Having a month spent here observing them succoured your plan a lot, but you wanted to take it slow when sleeping with them. You were definitely one to jump on those opportunities immediately; still, you didn't want to look too dubious.

This was the best option for you. There was no other way.

You hummed quietly, glancing over at the boy to quiz him as nicely as you could, "Training is over already?" You threw him a quick, laminated smile as well.

"Yes, practice is over. They had to head off early." Kita slid off the towel he had wrapped around his neck underneath his jacket, rubbing his face before setting it aside on the ground.

Why are you so fucking hot? But so fucking far-flung at the same time?

You nodded your head slowly. It was clear the boy didn't want to deal with any of your shenanigans right now, so you ultimately surrendered yourself to his orders―once again.

An irritated sigh left your mouth as you headed over towards the dark-brown haired boy to aid him. He was seen untangling the knot that was attached to a pole in the ground.

"Hey, so that asshole told me to help you pack up..." Suna raised his head, his previous expression turning to a more comical one after what you had just blurted out.

He relaxed the grip he had around the knot on the net, meeting orbs with you to chuckle softly, "Yeah. That man is a bit of a robot, isn't he? I'm still trying to figure that out myself after years of playing with him."

You grunted, rolling your eyes at him playfully while walking over to tug the string away from in between his grip. "Don't worry, Y/N is here to help you! I got this..." You teased the boy sarcastically, accompanying him with a fun-loving smirk.

Suna shot you back a similar expression, the atmosphere between you becoming warm as he understood your humour perfectly. He immediately stood back, letting you untie the rest of the knot from the pole, which was inserted into the gymnasium floorboards.

"So..." He carried off, "What's it like being our volleyball manager so far?" He asked you, walking over towards the basket of volleyball, which sat next to the pole.

You hummed, shrugging your shoulders, "It's... Different. Aside from Kita being a bum, watching you boys play can be very entertaining." You flashed him a knowing look, shooting him a cheeky grin afterwards.

Suna let out another chuckle as he bent over to pick up a volleyball, placing it in the trolley beside him. He leaned against it, placing one palm on the edge as his other palm rested on his hips, "Oh? What do you mean by that? It's entertaining?" He gagged back towards you.

You had finally finished undoing the top string, later bending down to unfasten the bottom one as well. You accidentally flashed your bright pink panties in the process, earning a furrowed response from the boy in return, unsuspecting him completely.

This was all your doing, to be honest. Maybe now was the right time to mess with the brunette? I mean, you had been screwing Atsumu the entirety of these last few weeks―feeling a fresh new... Anyways... That would definitely brighten your mood hugely.

You gently brushed the loose hair behind your ear, peering up at him. You shrugged, trying to act nonchalant about it, "The way you guy's play volleyball is hot... Duh." You scrunched your nose up mockingly, earning a low, nervous cackle from the boy in response.

Suna readjusted his poster, scratching the back of his neck only to end up meeting eyes with you again, "I see... Well, we better pack away this equipment."

You nodded your head, quietly giggling to yourself as you observed the boy changing topics rather immediately.

That was cute... He gets flustered so quickly...

After untying the last string, you detached the net from the pole, rolling it up so that it could be packed away neatly in the sports shed. Suna lifted the metal shaft out of the ground with ease, turning to face you.

"Could you push the trolley? I'll grab the poles."

You inclined your head, shooting him a warm smile as you gently picked up the net, throwing it in the basket of volleyballs.

You headed over towards the sports shed that was inside the gymnasium, Suna following behind you. On the way over, there was complete silence. It wasn't 'awkward', but there was now some unusual tension between the two of you.

However, all you were doing was being yourself... So why was he so sheepish about it? You figured by the way he was looking at you from across the court earlier, this would be the perfect time to mess with him; maybe he preferred to watch you from afar instead of speaking to you, though.

Ha, what a creep... You quietly laughed to yourself.

"What's so funny?" You shifted your head over your shoulder, raising your eyebrows in innocence. "Hmm? Oh... I just thought of something funny!" You cackled again.

Even if you thought those things about Suna, the quiet, deadpanned expressions piqued your curiosity. I mean, what did he bear under his skin? What was his true form?

You knew one hundred per cent that he was into you, but the timid him didn't want to do anything about it. It was downright hysterical, to be honest. Maybe encouraging him a little could help both of you...

Aside from that, you wanted to adapt to something more foreign, and that's what you were going to do, considering Suna was perfect for your little experiment.

The two of you finally made it inside the sports shed. You glanced around to catch his customary gaze once more, politely quizzing him. "Where do you want me to put the net?"

Suna hummed, immediately drifting away from your gaze to look around the darkened room. He pointed towards one of the top shelves, gesturing you to put them there. You nodded your head, throwing him another friendly smile as he stood. You speedily walked over, standing on your tiptoes just to reach the allocated area.

Suna placed the metal shafts on the ground, glancing over at you. He took another moment, taking in your physique while you stretched to reach the spot where the net needed to go. His grey-ish yellow eyes began to wander along the hem of your skirt, taking in your bare thighs. He let out a nervous chuckle, noticing you were still struggling with the equipment.

"Here, let me get this for you." The boy insisted, despite his apprehensiveness, walking over towards you. He towered over your figure for a brief moment, grabbing the netting out of your hands. You released it with ease, now noticing the defined curves on his biceps. The smell of his deodorant mixed with his nature odour filled your nostrils.

He was pretty close to you, so it was hard to avoid the loose contact between the two of you. But in all honesty, this was doing you so many favours. You stood there for a quick second, biting your lip as you watched him place it in the slot of the shelf. Suna stepped away from you after he placed it, throwing you a grin.

You giggled softly, thanking him for helping you. "Thank you, Suna..." A soft sigh escaped Suna's lips as he made his way over towards the door of the sports shed to walk out of it.

"You know..." Suna froze, glancing over his shoulder to meet your gaze. "You don't have to hide it... You're so easy to read." A chuckle left your lips as you took in his strained body language.

Suna furrowed his eyebrows only to try and hide the pink tint that crept its way onto his cheeks. You walked over to him slowly, hands tightly perched behind your back.

You were now not even a fingers length away from his body. You glanced up at him with an artless expression, later standing on your tiptoes to meet the tip of his nose. The furrow that was evident in his facial features beforehand increased as you felt his hot erratic breath brush up against your own cheeks.

Suna just stood there, not really sure what to do or how to react. Clearly, he was panicking right now... The only thing on his mind was the sweet scent of perfume that plagued the soft skin of your neck or the way your breasts flushed aggressively up against his own chest.

You gently titled your head over to his right cheek, licking it with your tongue. Suna stiffened for a moment, still keeping his stance.

You were going to have so much fun tonight with Suna. You could already tell.