Chapter 4: The silver hand

Curtis kneels at his lord, a Human with black hair and brown eyes whose right forearm and hand is was made entirely out silver.

"So not only did you fail to retrieve the Obrilion once but the raid to find and retrieve it failed too," the lord said rising from his seat, anger rising in his voice, and slowly walks to the witch, emphasizing each word with a step.

"So, Sigismund. Give me. one. Reason why I shouldn't JUST KILL YOU HERE!" he yells immediately lifting up the witch by his collar as a two-foot blade sprouts from the back of his silver forearm.

Curtis stuttered "Be-because we know who currently holds it," pulling an orb from his pocket which then flashes Kurgren face "If you give me enough time, I can catch this warrior lord Bryan sir."

Upon hearing this, lord Bryan lets go of the orc and retract his wrist blade before ordering the leader of the Pirium attack, a goblin, to come in "Tell me your name long arms." he says in a almost quiet, icy tone.

The Goblin immediately froze "D-d-d-dobson s-s-sir."

"Now Dobson. Tell me why you failed the mission to retrieve the orb?" he slowly said as he begins advancing towards the goblin.

Dobson's legs trembled "Because we di-didn't expect the number of soldiers and focus too much on the holder."

Bryan smirks "And you do know what I do with failures." raising his silver hand towards the Goblin and chanting a string of spells.

Dobson eyes suddenly shrinks as he begins to back away "No. N-no you w-wouldn't."

He then felt a force gripping his throat like an iron vice as he slowly rises from the ground, and know what's going to happen.

"NO! PLEASE! BURN ME! HANG ME! DISEMBOWEL ME! BY KINDREDS GLARE PLEASE KILL ME IN ANY OTHER WAY BUT THIS!" he shrieks, flailing wildly like fighting against a giant bear, screaming in utter terror as tears flowing down his face as his bowels and bladder began to leak.

Bryan smiles, admiring how the flailed like a coward "Licia ves."

Curtis watch in horror as the Goblin begin screaming in pain as the essence in his body are forcefully sucked away, his screams echoing through the chamber, unable to echo out due to the room dome of silence, before flopping on the floor two minute later.

The Goblin picked himself up and stood up for a second. Only to keel over and coughing pools of blood and bits of flesh. His body began rotting rapidly with chunks of skin falling off, revealing shriveled and rotted muscle and brittle, snapping bones, his organs slowly beginning to fail, screaming in bloody pain and agony until his vocal cords had withered to nothing before death had mercifully taken him.

Bryan smiles upon absorbing the goblins essence, feeling the magic flowing through his body, before turning to Curtis.

"That. Was an example of my tolerance for failure, be lucky that you have actual power over these grunts or that green long-armed corpse would have been you," he said, slowly advancing towards Curtis.

"But your rank just means you will suffer more until you finish your mission."

Bryan immediately grabs the magus by his neck and lift him before conjuring a small ball of black energy.

Curtis held the urge to futilely fight back as the lord force the energy ball down his throat before he drops him to the ground.

Curtis immediately feels a great surge of pain flows through his body, like being burnt alive, it was only a second but to him it was an eternity.

Once the pain stopped, he looks at his hands where he saw that two of his right fingers were red, as if covered in blood.

Bryan looks down on Curtis "You have thirty days before this curse turns you into a devil's host," he then stares directly into Curtis eyes, seeing his fear, for a devil's host is a fate worse than death.

"Don't fail me again. Orc." And walks back to his throne.

He gets up and quickly salutes "Yes sir." and leaves the chamber.

Lord Bryan then walks to the balcony, putting on his gloves, and looks below the city, using his magic to summon a glass and a bottle of wine, then orders his familiar to pour it, as the others begin to clean and dispose the corpse.