Chapter 12: Rest and Trade

Kurgren woke up with an elbow on his face. Erhardt's.

He, Erhardt, and Ardent had bunked in one of the inn's smallest room, barely fitting a Human and a Halfling, with a toilet, better to be uncomfortable than spend a few silvers for unnecessary space. Ardent had won the poker game and slept on the bed. He and Erhardt slept on the floor in their bedrolls.

Unfortunately. Erhardt was a Heavy snorer and a sleeper, the worst combination for a roommate. How Ardent slept through his snores confounded Kurgren. As the Dwarf began rolling around until he was on top of him, his dense iron-plated bones twice the mass of a man, and nearly suffocating him a few times during sleep.

Kurgren groaned, breaking free from Erhardt's weight, and changed out of his sleepwear along with his gambeson and baldric holding the orb, and scrubbed his teeth with salt with the cloth he kept. The toilet bowl was a marvel of dwarven engineering, thankful that the westward Dwarves were willing to share the design and create the sewers, with curved, smooth, and shiny metal. But the marvelous part of it was how the water swirled and swept away the waste. And compared to the one in Pirium it was a lot cleaner and even came with a roll of toilet paper, but was specially locked to the wall to prevent stealing.

He then picked up his staff and went down to the dining hall. The smell of fried bacon and warm coffee jolted his lethargic senses as he hears the loud chatter of the crowd and begins to look for a table when he see Solaina sitting on one waving towards him. Her unbraided hair flowing freely around her back.

He then walked over and sat down.

"Morning." He greeted.

She wore a thin green dress that ended far above the knees, leaving only a strip of thigh flesh between it and her stockings, alongside a thigh band that held a knife. All of that in public, at eye level. Kurgren looked away, seeing the outline of her underwear from glimpsing at the thinness of her dress. And notice that beside her was a bag of her guns, but she didn't carry her ammo bags.

"What are you looking at?" She asked with a sly smile.

"Where the rest of your clothes are." He replied.

"Why are you wearing your gambeson?"

"What do you mean?"

Solaina sighs.

"We're in a town that has decent guards here far away from the southlands. there's no need to wear armor and look like those militia folks from Byzalem. And doesn't the heat bother you?"

Kurgren recalled a night back in Pirum when that mugger had slashed his back. "I've done that before and nearly died. So yes, I don't trust strangers with my life and would rather sweat. And says the one who's carrying a musket and four pistols."

Solaina shrugs.

"It's because I want to visit a gunsmith to see if I can find upgrades, I even heard that one of the caravans even have a bolt-action rifle straight from the Volksgard."

Ardent and Louise came down and joined them.

"Morning," said Louise. She wore a robe that reached to the sandals on her feet. Cinched with a belt with a wand holster. Her hair was down, and it reached to her chin. At least it's less awkward talking to her compared to Solaina.

Ardent wore a long-sleeved tunic with his sword in his belt, his wrecked helmet in his hand.

"You look like hell," he said to Kurgren with an amused expression.

"Did you not sleep well?"

Kurgren snorts.

"What do you think! And how in the flames of Zokun's forge did you slept through that!"

Ardent chuckles.

"I did not knew he could snore that loud. And had cast an orison on my ears. My apologies but I was too tired and forgot about you."

Why that bloody bas-

As if on cue Erhardt appeared before them.

"Morning," he said, yawning. He wore a buttoned shirt and pants held by suspenders with his dagger sheathed to his chest and cestus. And what interested Kurgren were the buttons. And Erhardt noticed.

"I see you're interested in my shirt."

"Your buttons seem to not be made of metal or wood?"

Erhardt laughed.

"Of course you never seen it. What I have is called plastic, one of the Volksgard proud innovations!"

Erhardt then looked around until he saw Solaina and covers his eyes and scowls, red dusting his cheeks.

"Can you please wear something more modest."

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"What wrong? You might as well be fucking naked for how much it covers. Do you Elves have any goddamn shame!"

Solaina huffs, her ears now straightening.

"What's wrong with showing men what my goddess gave me?"

"Why are you using such accusations? It is her culture style of dress and taboo." Ardent said.

Erhardt readied to retort, standing up, when Kurgren quickly interjects.

"So, where is Curtis?"

Erhardt cleared his throat and sat back down.

"I knocked on his door earlier and he said he has a hangover and can't meet."

Kurgren nods. And with everyone here they discussed about breakfast before going to a group platter to save silvers.

Kurgren and Erhardt ordered coffee, one black and one with milk, but the other wanted barley tea. At least it's in a pot to share. With a platter of fruits, pancakes, sausage, and bread. Before Kurgren looked back at how Erhardt reacted.

It's a known fact that most Elves prefer not to wear underwear, unless they're interacting with the other races, and thick clothing's, even in winter if they can help it. But the way Erhardt had reacted it was as if he never knew about it.

The food soon arrived and they ate. The fruits mainly consist of dates and figs, most of which were eaten by Kurgren and Solaina. The pancakes, made of wheat, went well with butter. And the best were the sausages, made of pork and eaten with bread and dip - olive oil, salt, pepper, and balsamic vinegar.

The town was an open marketplace, with many Lapori wagons lining along the roads uncovered and displaying their wares, either placed upon stand or on mats on the floor. Some of the wagons even have simple charms or tools from the Orcs, fellow nomads, and the other races from those who chose to join the Lapori.

There were shining copper pots, colorful fruits, fine glassware, antique furniture, bolts of clothes, pungent fermented fish, to even formal clothings made with elven spider silk.

"Toothache powder! Cleric certified guaranteed to heal decay!"

"Finest porcelain plates and cups. All exquisitely crafted from Salkoy!"

"Finest longbows of the world, made of mythical material called carbon fibre and dacron! Each handcrafted by the Volksgard finest bowyers."

"Fresh durian! Harvested from the Kyros highlands."

"We have every clothes you need for any formal gathering. From Dwarf suits to Elf cheongsam."

Kurgren led the group, having experience with these nomadic merchants, through the noisy but peaceful crowd. The locals were casually and comfortably dress while traveler, like them, were armed, armored, and or packed up.

"Best if we try the local merchants first. The Lapori know that they will be gone in a few days so a few of them will either sell shoddy product or overprice them." Ardent told them.

"So, you also have experience with them?" Kurgren asked.

Ardent nods.

Erhardt laughed.

"The locals would likely guess we won't be long either. Seeing as how we're dressed; they may scam us too."

"Well then it's good thing you have a sorceress who can see the future." Louise replied.

"So where should we go first?" Solaina asked. "I want to see if there are any ammo for my guns."

"What about there?" Ardent said as he points to two fifteen-foot giants, even with this crowd they can see their ram-like horns.

"Vardskuls are traditionally used to guard either something really dangerous or really valuable. We will likely find genuine quality goods."

Louise nods before grabbing Erhardt and Solaina.

"You two go ahead. I predicted a few stores that have a good bargain for the three of us."

Kurgren shrugged.


"And one more thing!" Erhardt yelled as they began to split.

"If they sell arms and armor can you buy me a helmet. And a cudgel and gambeson for Louise. I lost my old one in a bet back in Pirium."

Kurgren and Ardent walked towards the store, passing by other shops and buying their goods, mainly ammo and rations, when they heard a mechanical roar and gasping crowds.


Kurgren looked up only to see a ball coming right towards him and hopped back. And the ball bounced once then exploded, blinding him in a flash of coloured sparks before someone crashed into him.

Whoever was on top of Kurgren was heavy, particularly in the chest area, but was lighter compared to Erhardt.

"Oh gods I'm sorry!" The person shrieked. And Kurgren vision cleared.

And the first thing he see is a fair, voluptuous lady, with pink eyes and long white hair, and a pair of rabbit ears and small antlers on her head. A Lapori.


Kurgren grabbed her shoulders and pushed, followed by his hand instinctively moving to his dagger.

"Eeep!" The lady shrieked, landing on her bottom.

Kurgren gets up and dusts himself off. And groaned at the gathering crowd, feeling the rumor mills turning.

The lady got up, dusting her pink miniskirt. And by the seven spoked wheel pin on her white ruffled blouse she was another merchant. And by the small tools strapped the thigh of her furry, stockings length, legs, and the scopes on her hat, one who dabbles in mechanics.

"I'm so sorry. when I saw my firework failed to ignite and fell I quickly followed it to stop it but then it exploded and I couldn't see and-" The lady began rambling between apologies, her cheeks turning as pink as her eyes.

Kurgren checks his equipment's, and fortunately none were broken.

"apology accepted. Since you're lucky nothing was broken."

The lady went quiet, and he saw tears forming. And gasped for air when Ardent elbowed him.

"Do not mind my brusque friend milady. But you should be more careful with your inventions next time. And if you can be kind to give us your name."

"Of course," she took a deep breath. "My name is Cecilia Salazar. Certified artificer and merchant." And she bows toward Kurgren, with antlers pointing towards him. "Again I'm sorry for crashing into you."

Kurgren backed away, scowling. Either she's being passive aggressive, or she didn't know Orc ettiquette.

Cecilia straightened back, and her ears drooped back in confusion.

"What's wrong?'

Kurgren felt the urge to yell when Ardent stepped in.

"What you had done was made a faux pas to my friend."

a brief silence came between them. When Cecilia ears shot up and she gasped, her face turning red.

"Oh crap I didn't mean it like that! I panicked and forgot and-" And bowed again, with antlers pointing at him again. Then realized her mistake and bowed again, now with antlers pointing up and staring at Kurgren with quivering eyes and a flushed face.

Kurgren sighed and began walking, having wasted too much time, before Ardent said goodbye and followed.

"If you're interested you can visit my shop! It near-" She yelled towards them before the crowds chatter drowned her.

"Well she seems like a nice lady; we should visit her shop later." Ardent said then frowned. "It was also rather rude of you to not at least say goodbye."

"Not visiting." Kurgren stated. That woman was a damn klutz and acted like an idiot.

"But," his thoughts started. "She is an artificer, meaning she's smart, despite how she acted. and, while she fucked it up, was genuine in her apology. And she was rather well endowed." He flushed as he remembered her breasts pressing on him.

But, in truth, he hopes he won't see her again. Until they reached the store.

The store the Vardskuls guarded was the largest, at least from what Kurgren saw, with three connected caravan and an array of tables and display racks with Kobolds helping the customers. With the counter inside the central caravan.

And as they got closer to the store Kurgren's eyes bugged out upon seeing the Vardskuls.

"I take it that you have never seen these giants before." Ardent asked.

Kurgren nods. The closest he saw one was far away.

"I heard they were big but not this large. And when I heard they had legs the size and shape of an elephant and four fingers I thought they were rumors."

Kurgren then saw that their shoes are iron soled and tipped in a blunt spike, like a warhammer. No need to guess why.

And between the Vardskuls a Lapori in a brightly colored, mainly pink, knee-length dress was talking a a skeptical young nobleman whose toga is pinned by a bronze dragon.

"I once saw an Orc killing five cultists armed with these," the Lapori said, with earnest pink eyes and twitching rabbit ears. In her left hand is a buckler and, on her right, held four hurlbats.

"And this is our premium travelers package. Which also comes with a free throwing lesson by my big sister!"

The man shook his head and walked away.

"Come back if you change your mind," she called out cheerfully to his back. "And remember that the offer only lasts for today!"

The Lapori then turned and saw them.

"New customers!" She said with glee, hopping towards on the toes of her paws, her short puffy tail swinging behind her. She shook Ardents hand.

"So what will you handsome gentlemen be looking for today?"

Kurgren couldn't help smiling at her energy. Most Lapori are bundles of energy, which rivals their sex drive. He noticed that she was also subtly armed, with the pin on her dress being as long and sharp as a dagger and easy to reach. And knows how to charm customers, by her plunging top with her cleavage accentuated by golden thread and the short hem of her skirt. Ending with her wearing a pair of collapsible high heels black as her hair and fur.

"The name is Amailia; weapons and armor trader extraordinaire. We have everything from the simple knives to the deadly shining blades from Salkoy, made of magical ceramic, capable of cutting through anything."

She then grabbed a polearm with a six-foot staff blade and shows them the foot long blade, glowing with arcane marks.

"That's a solid staff you have there, but a blade will make it more effective. This is a naginata, the national weapon of the Elves, famously wielded by their renowned pegasus knights. The single-edged ceramic blade curved to slash. With the fleur-de-lys upon it a certified mark from Salkoy."

"Ceramics?" Kurgren said, unimpressed.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover my dear friend. For this blade is sharper than any steel."

"There's a reason why weapons are made of iron or bronze." Kurgren replied, growing frustrated at her scam.

"Ceramics and glass shatters. It may be sharp but it'll be useless after the first strike against anything stronger than cloth."

Amailia smile grew even bigger, something Kurgren thought was impossible.

"Ah, but that's the special thing about elven glass. While enchanted glass and ceramics, even one's by the greatest archmage, will break easily, elven glass is stronger. No one knows how but, like everything else, they imbue it with enchantments more intricate then any of us can. So that this ceramic is just as strong as steel. I say that the best elven glass can compete with dwarven steel, even cutting through dwarven adamantine if the smith is good."

Kurgren still didn't trust her, while a ceramic knife for household use or self defense is possible, using it as a main weapon sounds like a death sentence, when Ardent clasp his shoulder.

"Trust me my friend. Elven blades cut deep, even through bone. And is a hell to heal unless you want your patient to suffer internal hemorrhaging." Ardent said to him before looking to Amailia, who nods in agreement.

"And beside madam, despite your impressive selection of arms, we are mainly looking for armor," and show her his helmet.

"Particularly a replacement for this."

Kurgren didn't know if Ardent was convinced by her charm, earnestness, or explanation. But the professional way he spoke at least gave him relief for the coming trade, since it seems he won't be fooled by her charms.

She puts the polearm back into the display rack and moves back and gestures to a row of dummies wearing varying armors and helmet.

"If it's armor you want then I have everything you can ever dream of."

"Thank you, madam."

"So, you got your basic gambeson, which can be made of linen to dwarven kevlar or elven mythril. Then chainmail and scalemail haubergon, and laminar armor, from Human iron to Orc bronze," she then points to an iron segmentata and bronze scalemail.

"To special elven armor which utilize their ceramic inserts," and points towards linen vests with pockets and half inch ceramic plates.

And ended by pointing to a set of steel armor, consisting of metal plates covering the front with a bevor and visor sallet.

"And over here, for the well-heeled and discriminating warrior looking for the best, is a rare set of dwarven forged steel armor known as plate armor, forged by the finest armorers from Berlcaern, the Capital of the Volksgard. Harder than enchanted iron and the standard armor of the Volksgard vundmecht. Trust me when I say that if you want the greatest protection then this armor is for you. But if there is one weakness is that it doesn't cover the back and is held by kevlar straps and strings."

"That is a magnificent piece of armor," said Ardent. "What is your best price?"

"For this godly protection, able to deflect cannonballs and stand up to a falling wall, with barely a dent? All for the low price of thirty-five. And for today a discount of thirty."

Kurgren grumbled, feeling the smugness of her wares by her tone, while Ardent shook his head.

"Tragically it is out of our price range." Ardent said with a half-smile.

Amailia sighed, her ears drooping slightly.

"I understand. But if you doubt my claims of this being forged in the Volksgard then look to the symbol on the breastplate." And points to a hammer in a triangle, nine stars forming an arc above it, with two at each end blackened. "This here is a certified mark of dwarven goods."

"How do the Dwarves shape and harden steel like that, till it perfectly fits." Kurgren asked, one of the things about Dwarves that still mystifies him.

"Sadly, I can't tell you. The armorer will rather become a slave trader then reveal the secrets."

Kurgren looked around and noticed an oddly shaped pistol in a glass case. It was made of steel, looking like a box with a grip and barrel, with a ribbed grip that doesn't look like wood, he recalls that Erhardt called it plastic, that looks like a broomhandle. With the box emblazon with the same marking on the plate armor.

"Ah. I see you have a good eye my friend." Amailia smiled, opened the display case and picked it up.

"Note that, unlike your pistol, there is no cone for the percussion cap or a ramrod. The hammer fires the gun. No need to awkwardly remove and replace the cap or ram the bullet and powder down the barrel after every shot. This is a mausley AP5. The vundmecht assault pistol. Able to fire ten round without reloading."

"Ten rounds at once. That's impressive." Kurgren said, controlling his excitement. "But how?"

"It is interesting to see such thing up close, the closest I heard of it was from some of my dwarven colleagues a few years back." Ardent added.

"How you ask? It's because they were able to put the cap, powder, and bullet in one neat package!" She then unlocked and grabbed something from the cabinet below the case - five bullets, shaped into a blunt point instead of a ball, in a metal tube held together by a metal strip.

"This is called a charger clip, to reload their guns. As for how they made such tiny jacket we still don't know."

She puts the gun and bullets back and picked up another gun.

"But that's not all! This is an elven libra shotpistol, as can be seen with the fleur-de-lys engraved on the wooden handle. With two ceramic barrels, a hammer behind each. And a trigger for each barrel."

She pressed a lever, causing both hinged barrels to swing down and reveal their open breech. And grabbed two glass vials, each holding a small crystal, slotted them into the barrels, then swung the barrels back up and locked them, causing the runes on it to glow green, leaving the hammer uncocked.

"And these bullets, which only the Elves can make. Works by channeling large amounts of pure chi into these small, hand-crafted, crystals, they fire a beam that can melt metals to slag at point-blank range, but beyond close range you're better off with throwing rocks. But most of all, unlike other guns, they can recharge with sunlight or a mage. But they can only be used by elven guns, like the libra, since those only have enough enchantments to channel the blast."

"Those are some powerful rounds. Shame about the range." Kurgren said.

Amailia smiled.

"Each pistol can be yours, with ammunitions, for a reasonable sum of thirty gold. Or you can buy both for a discount of forty-five!"

"While both are amazing weapons, we can't buy them," said Kurgren, taking a deep, calming, breath. He can't stand this lady showboating tools they can't buy.

Amailia nodded.

"I understand."

She unloaded the gun and put it back and guides them back to her caravan counter where she showed them a large book, a catalogue of the other armors and weapons she has in storage.

"So then, after seeing my wares. What would you boys like?" She asked, leaning down with a wink.

Kurgren groaned, recalling the times he had to haggle with the merchants who use their charms, mainly the Lapori caravans like this. As Ardent starts, face to face rather than gazing at her rather ample cleavage, something that surprised Kurgren, normally most men, and some women, would be distracted. Which included him in his youth, much to his resentment.

"How much would it be to repair this and the price if I sell it." Ardent said and passed his wrecked helmet.

Amailia took the helmet, though Kurgren could sense her disappointment of her failed distraction by her posture, before casting some magic.

"Well you're better off selling this to a blacksmith, seeing how the runes are shattered. But I can take it off your hand since my big brother is a blacksmith." She then gave back Ardent helmet before showing the helmet she have on sale before looking to Kurgren.

"I also sell helmets built for half-Orcs if your friend wants it."

Kurgren then look to the helmets made for half-Orcs, which only had one hole for their horn to go through, and was impressed, since Pirium didn't sell any. He passes his staff to Amailia.

"Do you also have upgrades for this, nothing too expensive."

Amailia took his staff and made some experimental swings.

"Yes. I can have my brother shod the end with some iron or place a few rings around. Each will cost ten silvers but if you buy both I'll give you a fifteen silver discount."

Kurgren nods as Ardent leaf through the armor section.

"I would also like to augment my hauberk," he turns towards Kurgren.

"And what type would you prefer?"

"I want one that can give protection yet be light enough not to slow me down. And a helmet that won't hamper my vision."

Amailia nods and flips to a page.

"For the knight I recommend the coat of plates, a set of iron plates held by a leather vest, or a lorica segmentata, or if you're rich enough then plate. And as for you I think a chainmail shirt will suit you. And for helmets an enclosed helm, with coif, for the knight and a nasal helmet for you."

Both moved to the ranged weapons.

"This arcbow looks interesting." Ardent said.

Amailia nods.

"Of course. It's pretty much the secondary weapon of all elven recruits, being their first chi-based weaponry. A crossbow that utilizes the same crystal as the libra to fire quarrels of chi at range farther then their standard smg and shotguns. And cost thirty silvers."

Ardent sighed.

"Then I will take the light crossbow."

"And what about your friend?" Amailia said.

"I guess I'll take a few throwing weapons. Since I already have a bow."

Amailia shows him the throwing weapons.

"Right now I have a discount. If you buy a small set of sixteen war darts, I will give you four hurlbats for a total of seven silvers. Compared to the darts four and the hurlbats six."

Kurgren weighted his options, seeing if buying two types of throwing weapons is practical.

The darts will fly faster and further and, with his strength, will likely knock down most people upon impact. But unless he hit a vital organ the person can recover and fight, especially they wore metal armor. And could serve as an emergency weapon if he can't grab his bow or gun

While the hurlbat had a shorter range and can't be quickly pulled out, compared to the dart, but it was stronger, since it can cut flesh and break bones, meaning that it can be used before entering melee or to kill someone before they get close. And so he took the deal.

"And we also want a barbute, a Halfling sized gambeson, and a cudgel too." Ardent said.

Amailia nods as she crossed out the items they said.

"So how much would this cost?" Ardent asked.

"All of that will cost about fifty silvers," she said before looking at Kurgren.

"If you do mind sir-"

"Jansen." Kurgren replied.

Amailia nods.

"Can I look to that vambrace of yours Mr Jansen?"

Kurgren nods and stretched out his arm for Amailia to examine it. During which his face flushed as she purposely moved in a way where her breasts touched his arm or showing off her cleavage, despite that he managed to resist it. And she jolted back when she cast a magic spell on his vambrace.

"Oh dear. It seems what you're wearing is a shoddy piece armor. I can take it off your hands in return for the equipment." Her voiced sound sweet, yet he can sense her desire to take it.

Kurgren folded his arms, feeling his frustration flaring again. And that this lady thinks she can fool him.

"I'm sorry but it's not for sale."

Amailia frowns.

"Fine. All the equipment and twenty sil-"

"Not. For. Sale." Kurgren reiterated, trying to hold back his frustration.

Amailia raised her hands.

"Okay then. But don't come crying when arm gets lopped off," she paused for a few seconds, Kurgren knew she was trying to doubt him, and after that failed, they left with a loss of fifty silvers and old equipment's. But as they walk to the other stores, mainly for ammo, Kurgren reflect.

He could see it in her eyes and posture that she wanted his vambrace, but why?

Why would a merchant be interested in it, it was nothing more than an heirloom.

They meet up with Erhardt, Louise, and Solaina at the town center, where most of the food caravans were set up. They had bought soap, paper cartridges, and potions. And ate a cheap lunch of pork soup, fried egg, and millet seasoned with garum from a caravan.

Kurgren then left back to the room to place his equipment while the rest went back to look around.

But as he reaches his room, he hears sounds coming from outside. Unholsters his pistol and unlock the door. Then pushed it open and aimed.

The room was a mess, with their bags opened and clothes strewn on the floor, and beside the bed is a Halfing holding a sack.

A thief.