I will not give up

"I didn't do anything to you."

"Of course you did, you hugged me without my permission. It is a form of sexual harassment right?"

You met the wrong person honey ... I will never lose. Nadine smiled triumphantly.

Justin knew what was behind Nadine's smile. He then took a step closer, again pushing Nadine so that she was forced to step back and hit her car. Once again Nadine feels Justin dominating the situation.

"What do you want?" Justin looked Nadine's eyes and searched the truth in her eyes. Nadine has never been good at acting but why does Nadine act like she is a stranger.

"It's easy, I just want you to join my company so I will not bother about your hug to me before." Nadine replied, she felt nervous and her heart was beating fast when Justin stared at her intently like this time. Maybe this was an attack from a handsome man. Oh, I'm so weak.

"I don't want to." Justin refused, he could not take his eyes off Nadine. The longing in his heart that had been stored for Nadine could not even be expressed even though Nadine was right in front of him.

Why? Why is Nadine still trying so hard to pretend that she doesn't know him? His wounded heart ached even more now.

"Then I will sue you, your career will be ruined." Nadine threatens again but instead of the answer she gets, Justin moves closer and urges her.

"I never repeat my words. I'm not coming back to you."

"I'm not proposing to you or asking you to come back to me as if I was your ex-lover, don't play my words one more time, Justin. I warn you, I just want to invite you to join my company."

Calm down Nadine, don't let this arrogant man get more arrogant because he succeeded in making you lose.

Either way, Justin must become an actor in her company otherwise she will lose the only thing that makes her survive this unfair life.

Baby Star Entertainment was her life, Nadine will never let it collapse.

"Keep pretending, I'll never do whatever you want, Nadine."

Nadine was silent, she was stunned after seeing the anger in Justin's eyes. He did not move the slightest when Justin left.

"What's wrong with you Nadine? Why does my heart hurt? " Nadine grabbed her tight chest, she turned towards Justin's car which was getting away from her.

"Did I fall in love at first sight with him?" Nadine muttered in her heart, trying to find answers to what she was feeling right now after Justin left her.

"No, it can't be. Falling in love won't be that easy." Nadine leaned against her suddenly limp body, she held her head which hurt after trying to find answers to what she felt right now.

"Oh, today is so bad that it messes me up. I can't possibly fall in love with him, I'm just disappointed that he refused my offer, but I won't give up."

Nadine then got back into her car, ready to catch up with Justin's car as she did before and hopefully Justin can still find it because she needs to find Justin's real address.

"Justin... I will not give up, I will get you." Nadine smiled confidently, not wanting the feeling that had been bothering her for a moment to affect her.

Nadine's car was running just as her cell phone suddenly started ringing.

Nadine immediately grabbed her cellphone and put the earphones in her ears without seeing who was calling her first.


"Nadine, where are you?"

Nadine's face immediately turned flat after hearing her mother's voice.

"I'm working, what's wrong?"

"What did you do to Marcell, he said if you spilled wine on his head in front of all the employees of his company. You embarrassed him, Nadine."

Damn Marcell ...

"Nadine, can you hear me?" Call Nadine's mother in an angry tone.

"No, I didn't listen to you mom," Nadine replied briefly. She was not at all interested in the anger of her mother who always stood up for Marcell even though Marcell never thought of her as a mother even though she was almost thirteen years of her mother married Marcell's father.

"Nadine, you should be able to be nicer to Marcell, he's in control of everything, and don't trouble yourself by going against him."

"So what do you want mom? Do you want me to accept his feelings? You want me to marry my stepbrother?" Nadine asked repeatedly and made her mother speechless, Nadine's anger was heard from her trembling and high tone of voice.

"Money is everything to you, do whatever you want but don't interfere with my business. Everything in my life is not your business mom."

"Yes that's me, I did everything for money. If it weren't for the money I earned then you would never go to school, you would never be able to live comfortably like now. I only wanted to remind you never to go against Marcell or his father, they define our lives."

"Please don't interfere with my business Mom, you don't know what 'your beloved son' has done to me and my life is not in their hands at all. Everything I do and all the success I have achieved is the result of my hard work, not a gift from your husband or your beloved son."

Nadine can not take it anymore, her mother always urges her to be nice to Marcell even though Marcell has brought her to the mess she is currently experiencing.

Nadine's heart always hurts whenever her mother defends Marcell, even though the only family she has is her mother, but the day her mother turns away from her.

Nadine wanted to cry, but she could not shed tears, her heart was rock hard now. She was in pain and no one cared even her mother.

"Justin is my only hope... I will never give up. He must become my actor."
